What is available? / How you can help now:


We do not ask you to send money to our account „in the dark”. Centre asks money for specific needs, specific texture , you have to pay. As we mentioned, we are not a public entity and you do not want to support our business (learn more). Here you can select an invoice that remains unpaid and send us the means ( using the payment system PAY4U) on the cover. Proof of payment will be sent back Those on the e-mail address. You will know exactly Thus where your money hit. Information about the use of your money, we can also add to the thank you or your company.

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Proszę wypełnić wszystkie pola w formularzu przed wysłaniem.

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Contact Info

  • ul. Michałowskiego 30
  • tel. 034/ 372 12 97
  • ufnosc@poczta.fm
  •      42-200 Częstochowa
  •   mobile 600 830 641
  • fax: 034/ 325 77 91

Bank account

  • Stowarzyszenie Pielęgniarsko - Opiekuńcze "Z Ufnością w Trzecie Tysiąclecie"
  • ul. Szkolna 3, 42-262 Poczesna
  • PL34116022020000000039456979

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